Best Tips On The Fridge Price

Are you thinking of buying a new refrigerator maybe you want the best counter-depth refrigerator? Knowing what, where, how, and when tips are- sure guarantee to give you the best fridge price range for your money.

Best Counter Depth Refrigerator Deals

If you can wait until May, your patience will pay off, and here is why! During the summer, new refrigerator models are delivered as quickly to the stores. This means that models of the previous year have to go make way for the newer ones.

 If you buy the best counter-depth refrigerator before the summer season, you’ll have a bigger chance to haggle the price. By May, most stores are open to negotiation.

So May is not a good time for you, not to worry, there are countless options! Holiday weekends can be your next option if you’re not willing to wait until May. Holidays such as Memorial Day, the Fourth of July, and President’s Day are the best holidays to shop for a new best counter depth refrigerator. 

Check out retailer marketing emails, newspaper circulars, and e-commerce websites as they are likely to announce appliance sales before the holiday weekends.

Getting the best whirlpool refrigerator price list
Energy Star and CEE Certified
The price of a refrigerator you’re buying should not rest only on its cost the day you bought it. It should also include the monthly electricity cost to run it. 

A  refrigerator bearing an Energy Star certificate is the best option to take. The certificate ensures that efficiencies, targets are met by the new fridge.

Tips for buying the best counter depth refrigerator

Making the purchase more worthwhile is to look for a fridge that bears the stamp of both the Energy Star and a CEE Tier. CEE is a group of nonprofit program administrators involved in energy efficiency.

Your local electric or gas utility can be a part of this consortium as a way of promoting products and services that conserve energy. It pays to take the time to compare Energy Guide labels to get the fridge that runs at the lowest electricity cost. Don’t be taken in by the “extras”.

Extras or special features also add to the expense. Salespeople will often entice you to go for fancy features such as a built-in wine rack or a model with ice dispensers. Chances are you may not even have the time to use these “extras”. 

Chrome finishes on a fridge will not add value to it but will cost you more. Bells and whistles should be kept to a minimum if you intend to get the best price for a refrigerator.



February 2025

Counter Refrigerator

Get as much storage with built-in look kitchen counter tops and cabinets with height, wider depth fridges, with room to open the doors, for easy access to food and condiments.


Counter Depth Fridge

This family of appliances is a full-size model with or without a freezer compartment to any kitchen, typically between 23 and 27 inches (0.69 m) deep, and standard-depth fridges are usually 30 to 34 inches (0.86 m) deep.

These Energy-star certified appliances help you save energy and money on your utility bills without sacrificing performance.

Watch The Video

So, what does a counter-depth fridge mean for your kitchen? It gives you the circulation space to help you right every time.

Choose a product that has benefits and style options from French door, side-by-side, top-freezer, bottom-freezer, stainless steel, or not.

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The Best Time For Appliance Clearance Sale

The best time for  appliance clearance sale on the refrigerator
Buy on the merry month of May as stated earlier, May is the perfect month to purchase a brand new refrigerator. 

Here is because stores need to offload their old stocks to make way for the new. Always count May as the Happy New Year for all appliances, especially the fridge.

Weekday shopping
People usually go shopping on the weekends. Stand out from the rest of the crowd and gain discounts from it too. Schedule a leave for a random Wednesday of the week to do your appliance shopping.

There may not be advertised discounts, but since it’s a slow day, you have a better chance to establish a rapport with a salesperson. With no other competition around and no rush to cope up with, you might end up with one of the best models for a better price.

Schedule your shopping at the end of May
Yet again, allow us to reiterate that May tops the list when it comes to appliance discounts. Here is because it is the only month of the year when discount refrigerators for sale are openly displayed.

However, add a twist to it by shopping sometime before May ends. By the time the appliance dealers will be desperate to clear up their space to make way for the newer and shinier models. If you time it right, you may get last year’s model priced at $1500 for $500 or below!


Our Cooling Collections

The best way to experience our wide collection of refrigerator appliances is to visit the store. Follow the storage flexibility and choose the most compatible to satisfy your cooling options.

The Best Time For Wholesale Clearance

The best time for wholesale appliances clearance
Choose of May. Spending an enormous fortune on a new refrigerator can be avoided if you know the right time for refrigerator clearance sales. If you want to do it in the fall, don’t, unless your refrigerator suddenly gives up on you. 

However, if you can wait, the best month to purchase a refrigerator at lowering discount prices is in May.

Why May of all months of the year? It works this way. A new models of appliance usually releases by many manufacturers near the end of every year. The only appliance exception is the refrigerators. 

This is because manufacturers want to take advantage of the summer heat. The heat of summer usually brings a high rate of refrigerator failure.

Releases of the newer refrigerator models before summer are seen as the perfect way by manufacturers to answer consumer needs of replacing a broken fridge. The month they choose to deliver their brighter and spunkier new refrigerator models is in May.

With this scenario, appliance stores have no other option but to hold a clearance sale on refrigerators during May. Perfectly timing your fridge purchase in May guarantees plenty of savings on your part.

Online bargains and holiday weekends
Online shopping may also be a good way to find out about clearance sales for refrigerators. Bargains are often offered, especially days before holiday weekends such as President’s Day, Memorial Day, or the Fourth of July.

Holiday weekends often offer appliance clearance sales that can save you hundreds of dollars. Yet, when it’s about a new refrigerator, you’ll never go wrong if you shop for it in  May.

Graduation sales
Graduation sales happening in April can also be taken advantage of. Refrigerator clearance sales along with compact appliances such as microwaves and coffee makers are offered by appliance dealers. 

Graduation time is gift-giving time and an appliance gift is as proper, as the best send-off for a new graduate.